2016-01-11 09:38 作者: 来源:新东方网整理 字号:T|T
A second life
There have been lots of resilient and optimistic female characters in TV series, but Kimmy Schmidt is a little different.
电视剧里从来不缺少活泼开朗又乐观向上的女性角色,不过吉米•施密特(Kimmy Schmidt)有点不一样。
Kimmy (Ellie Kemper), the plucky go-getter in seven-times Emmy-nominated US comedy Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, was once locked away in a bunker along with three other women in a strange cult trying to survive a nuclear holocaust. Fifteen years later, the quartet emerge to find a world not turned to ashes, but into something they never imagined.
吉米(艾丽•坎伯尔Ellie Kemper饰)是刚刚获得“艾美奖”七项提名的美国喜剧《我本坚强》中的女主角。剧中,她是一个勇敢又能干人。因为听信邪教躲避核灾难的谎言,她和其他三名女性一起被困地下。十五年后,这四个人终于重见天日,却发现世界并没有化为灰烬,反而发生了翻天覆地的变化。
The first few episodes cover all the easy jokes that come with any time travel series. Kimmy doesn’t know what a selfie is. She is clueless about social networking. She cannot even tell the difference between cameras and phones. And, naturally, her acting like a 1990s-generation middle schooler in this new world is a constant source of comic relief.
But this affecting sitcom doesn’t simply intend to make you laugh.
After their rescue, Kimmy and the other three women become famous overnight, winning the hearts (and financial backing) of sympathizers nationwide.
Not content to simply take advantage of being one of the so-called “Indiana Mole Women” like her fellow victims, Kimmy decides to hide her real identity and make a fresh start in Manhattan, where no one sees her as damaged goods.
You can imagine Kimmy endured unnerving hardships underground, and the show slowly confirms this through her recollections and conversations with others. But she never looks wrecked. Quite the opposite: She’s chipper and possesses an indomitable sunniness.
The unstoppable young woman not only helps herself, but also pushes those around her to be the best they can be.
She encourages her broke roommate, a new spin on the gay-best-friend stock character, to pursue his lost dream. Disheartened by the women in a cosmetic surgery clinic waiting room, she tells them: “Changing your outside isn’t going to fix what’s wrong inside. We’re just covering up our problems in order to fix ourselves. You have to start right here to find that small unbreakable you inside yourself.”
We all know the seemingly perfect heroine is kind of out of date, and the scriptwriter is well aware of this, too.
She isn’t some idealized Mary Sue getting everything she wants simply for having an upbeat outlook. Her fairytale-like romance with a young man she doesn’t realize his wealthy ends unhappily, showing Kimmy is still at risk of falling prey to failure.
At her core, Kimmy is a bright and buoyant woman, but not so much that she can’t be down-to-earth. This makes her an underdog worth paying attention to.
总体上,吉米是一个快乐活泼,同时也脚踏实地的女主角。 这些特质造就了一个值得观众关注的小人物银幕形象。
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