2016-01-11 09:39 作者: 来源:新东方网整理 字号:T|T
De-clutter your desk if you want a successful career
Forget hard work and perseverance, getting ahead is as simple as tidying your desk.
According to a leading expert, having aclutteredenvironment reflects a cluttered mind and the act of tidying up can help you be more successful.
The advice comes from Jayne Morris, the resident “life coach” for NHS Online, who said it is no good just moving the mess around.
In order to clear the mind, unwanted items must be thrown away to free your “internal world”, she said.
Ms Morris, who claims to have coached celebrities to major business figures, said: "Clearing clutter from your desk has the power to transform you business.
"How? Because clutter in your outer environment is the physicalmanifestation of all the clutter going on inside of you.
"Clearing clutter has aripple effectacross your entire life, including yourwork.
“Having an untidy desk covered in clutter could be stopping you achievingthe business success you want."
She is adamant cleaning up will be abooneven though some of history`sbiggest achievers lived and worked in notoriously messy conditions.
Churchill was considered untidy from a boy throughout his life, from hisoffice to his artist`s studio, and the lab where Alexander Fleming discoveredpenicillin was famouslydishevelled.
Among the recommendations is that the simply tidying a desk at work and anoverflowing filing cabinet will instantly have a positive impact on “yourinternal world.”
Anything that is no longer used should not be put into storage but thrownaway completely.
Keeping something in the loft, garage or other part of the house, does nothelp because it is still connected to the person “by tiny energetic cords” sheclaims.
She said: "The things in your life that are useful to you, that add valueto your life, that serve a current purpose are charged with positive energy thatreplenishes you and enriches your life.
"But the things that you are holding on to that you don`t really like,don`t ever use and don`t need anymore have the opposite effect on your energy.Things that no longer fit or serve you, drain your energy."
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