2016-01-15 09:31 作者: 来源:新东方网整理 字号:T|T
People in Their 90s are Getting Smarter
Ninety-somethings seem to be getting smarter.Today’s oldest people are surviving longer, andthankfully appear to have sharper minds than thepeople reaching their 90s 10 years ago.考研时间安排
Kaare Christensen, head of the Danish Aging Research Center at the University of SouthernDenmark, and colleagues found Danish people born in 1915 were about a third more likely tolive to their 90s than those born in 1905, and were smarter too. During research, whichspanned 12 years and involved more than 5 000 people, the team gave nonagenarians born in1905 and 1915 a standard test called a "mini-mental state examination" ,and cognitive testsdesigned to pick up age-related changes. Not only did those born in 1915 do better at bothsets of tests, more of them also scored top marks in the mini-mental state exam. It’s alandmark study, says Marcel Olde Rikkert at Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre inthe Netherlands. It is scientifically rigorous, it invited all over 90-year-olds in Denmark toparticipate, and it also overturns our ingrained views of old age, he also says.
Olde Rikkert adds that cognitive function can actually be a lot better than people wouldassume until a very high age. Tellingly, there was no difference in the physical test resultsbetween the two groups. The authors say this "suggests changes in the intellectualenvironment rather than in the physical environment are the basis for the improvement".
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