2016-01-15 09:32 作者: 来源:新东方网整理 字号:T|T
Are There Ecological Merits to Trawling TheSeabed?
Trawling the seabed for fish is an environmentaldisaster; it wrecks ecosystems,destroys fish stocksand leaves behind a marine desert. But there isgrowing evidence that the effect is sometimes verydifferent, with trawling increasing fish stocks fromthe North Sea to the California coast. A newmodelling study may for the first time havedemonstrated why.
Trawlers attach large nets to a metal beam dragged across the seabed to catch bottom-dwelling fish. Greenpeace likens it to "driving a huge bulldozer through a forest",leaving aflat,featureless desert on the seabed.
Trawling clearly does remove fish,such as large crustaceans and shellfish,says Daniel vanDenderen of the Wageningen Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies in theNetherlands. But this is a lucky break for smaller species lurking in the sandy seabed,such asworms. They survive and,with fewer rivals,flourish.中山大学考研
And if,as is often the case,these smaller critters are the main food for fish,then the overalleffect is to nurture more marine life.Imants Priede,at the University of Aberdeen,UK,says thereis growing evidence that—while far from universal—the phenomenon is real. "Oncontinental shelves such as the southern North Sea,where shifting sands and gravels arestirred up by strong tidal currents,even trawling more than once a year may be beneficial forsome fish stocks," he says.
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