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2016-01-15 09:32  作者:  来源:新东方网整理  字号:T|T


Thirsty Clean Energy May Add to WaterStressed World


As the world gets hotter and drier thanks to ourpredilection for burning fossil fuels. The choices wemake balancing power and water are alreadybecoming an urgent issue in the fight againstclimate change, says Amanda Fencl of the StockholmEnvironment Institute.考研总分


While cutting emissions is necessary to curb global warming, some renewable and cleanenergy sources use more water than fossil fuel-powered plants, finds a report released by theUS Department of Energy - DoE) that looked at how resilient the US's power infrastructure isto climate change.


The biggest users of water in the US are power plants, particularly the fossil fuel and nuclearplants that together generate almost 90 per cent of the nation's energy. Nearly half the waterthe US consumes is used to cool these plants and drive their turbines. But some renewable andclean energy sources also need a lot of water, says the DoE report. The main consumer ishydropower, which requires large reservoirs of water to generate electricity. Other technologiesuse it indirectly, to irrigate biofuel crops, for example, or cool and wash solar panels.


Currently renewable and clean energy technologies only make up a small proportion of theUS's energy mix-for example, hydroelectric provides 7 per cent of the county's power, andsolar less than 1 per cent-but if the US is going to meet its target of reducing carbon emissionsby 80 per cent by 2050, renewables and clean energy will need to feature more heavily infuture.

