2016-01-15 09:33 作者: 来源:新东方网整理 字号:T|T
Wrap up Warm to Avoid Heart Attacks
When it's cold we turn up the central heating. Ourbodies do the same-burning brown fat to produceextra heat and keep us warm. But this internalheating system may have a dangerous side effect.
"Brown fat has always been considered to be good fat." says Yihai Cao at the KarolinskaInstitute. Since it turns the energy obtained from food into heat, brown fat thought to be one ofthe keys to weight loss.Cao and colleagues wanted to investigate its role in atherosclerosis-the build-up of fatty deposits in blood vessels. First, the team created genetically modifiedmice that were especially prone to atherosclerosis. At eight weeks old, they split the miceinto two groups. Some mice were kept for a further eight weeks at 30°C-a temperature thatmice find comfortable-while the rest were kept at 4℃.
Mice exposed to the cold converted more white fat to brown and the production of low-densitylipoprotein (LDL) was accelerated, leading to a greater build-up of fatty deposits. The mice keptin the cold also had deposits in their blood vessels that were more likely to break off and causeblockages-a major cause of heart attack and stroke. To test whether the effect was specificallylinked to heat generation, the team next created atherosclerosis-prone mice that wereunable to use their brown fat to produce heat. These mice were completely protected from theincreased production of LDL and consequent arterial problems.
But Andrew Whittle at the University of Cambridge notes that mice kept in the cold will eatmore food, which might also contribute to the extra fatty deposits. Until recently we did notknow adult humans had brown fat at all, he says, and we are still learning what it does.考研英语复习经验
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