2016-01-20 14:37 作者: 来源:新东方网整理 字号:T|T
What Signals a Dog Is about to Attack?
Nearly 5 million dog bites occur in the U. S. eachyear,according to the American HumaneAssociation. Ms. Stilwell, chief executive ofAtlanta-based Victoria Stilwell Positively Dog Trainingoffers some advice on how to read dog behavior toavoid an attack on a person or other dog.
People are usually attacked on private property by a dog they know. "It happens when therelative has brought his dog over,or it happens at a friend's house," says Ms.Stilwell."We justlet our guard down here."
Obvious signs include barking,growling,if the dog's ears are flat or suddenly prick up. Somedogs salivate when they are stressed, others cower. Says Ms. Stilwell. "Dogs will wag theirtails when they are upset or over-aroused." Similarly,if an unfamiliar dog rolls on its back toexpose its belly,it doesn't necessarily want to be petted. It might be asking you to moveaway.
A dog that attacks is often acting out of fear,says Ms. Stilwell. Those signs of fear may includea dog yawning,turning its head away when someone approaches,tensing up or staring. Somedogs will slightly lift one front paw in what Ms.Stilwell calls " the anticipatory paw",becauseit shows that they think something negative is about to happen. Another subtle warning signis when a dog slightly lifts its lip to show teeth. Also,flat tongues are relaxed; curved at thesides means there is tension.
"If a dog is on a child and you're pulling it off, you're making the wound on that child deeper, "Ms. Stilwell says. Instead, "take a coat or T-shirt and put it over the dog's head," she says.When dogs can't see, they panic and open their mouths.
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