2016-01-21 17:40 作者: 来源:新东方网整理 字号:T|T
Saudi Arabia's women drivers
Ovarian issue
Will Saudi women ever be allowed behind the wheelof a car?
WHEN a group of Saudi women first took to thekingdom's roads to flout its ban on female drivers, they publicised their protest by fax andvideocassette. The 47 participants suffered fines, travel bans, social ostracism and, in somecases, the loss of government jobs. The ban itself, 23 years and many protests later, remains.But much else has changed.
The campaigners behind a drive-along protest scheduled for October 26th have put it onTwitter, Facebook and a slick website. Their petition demanding that the government issuedriving licences to women has gathered close to 17,000 signatures. A call for women to uploadvideos of themselves driving has already gathered dozens of clips. The footage of headscarvedladies navigating suburban traffic may scarcely be thrilling, but some have scored over 100,000web viewings.
For the first time, too, women have allies in government. Earlier this year King Abdullah named30 female members to the previously all-male Shura Council, the royally-appointed proto-parliament. Three of the new women in it have voiced open support for an end to the drivingban.
But the campaign's opponents have changed tactics, too. Official monitors have blocked itswebsite. Tweeters in favour of the ban, derided by campaigners in the kingdom as “eggs” forleaving blank the oval space for their own portrait that the messaging service provides, areputting out reams of negative comment. Some have sought to dampen support for womenwanting to drive by spreading false rumours of an imminent government move to lift the ban.
More traditional foes of change have also been active. On October 23rd a group of 200-oddclerics gathered outside the royal court to denounce what they described as a “conspiracy” toput women behind the wheel. Last month Sheikh Salah al-Luhaydan, a well-known cleric whoalso practises psychology, claimed on a popular Saudi website that it has been scientificallyproved that driving “affects the ovaries” and leads to clinical disorders in the children of womenwho are foolish enough to drive.
更传统一些的变革对手也很活跃。10月23日,一组人数为200的牧师人员聚集在王朝外,指责他们所谓的支持女性驾驶的同谋。一位知名的牧师Sheikh Salah al-Luhaydan,他同样也实践心理学,上个月,他在沙特一个很流行网站上声称,已经被科学证明的是:驾驶“影响卵巢”并导致那些愚蠢的驾驶女人们的孩子临床障碍。
1.put on 穿上;上演
例句:The company put on a play about thehomeless.
2.driving licence n.驾驶执照
例句:It transpired that Paolo had left his driving licence at home.
3.close to 接近;靠近
例句:Three mortar shells had landed close to a crowd of people.
4.dozens of 几十;数十个
例句:Dozens of miles of railway track have been torn up.
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