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2016-01-28 14:34  作者:  来源:新东方网整理  字号:T|T


1.maintain (vt.维持)

[试题例句] The court cannot maintain its legitimacy as guard an of the rule oflaw when justices behave likepoliticians.当法官的行为像政客一样时,法院便不能维持其作为法律规则捍卫者的公正性。


[试题例句]Yet,in several instances,justices acted in ways that weakened thecourt’s reputation for being independent andimpartial.然而,在一些案例中,法官的行为损害了法庭独立、公正的的声誉。


[试题例句]That kind of activtiy makes it less likely that the court’s decisionswill be accepted as impartial judgments.那种 行为使得人们认为法院的裁决不太可能是公正合理的。


[试题例句] Part of the problem is that the justices are not bound by an ethicscode.这个问题是 在某种程度上是由于法官不受道德准则的约束。【考研,2012,完形】

5.subject .(a.服从的),apply (v.适用)

[试题例句] At the very least,the court should make itself subject to the codeof conduct that applies to the rest of the federaljudiciary.至少,法院应该服从于那些适用于其他联邦司法部门 的行为准则。【考研,2012,完形】

6.raise (vt.提出),line in(n.界线)

[试题例句] This and other similar cases raise the question of whether there isstill a line between the court and politics.这个案件和其他一些类似的案件让人质疑在法庭和政界之间是否仍然存在界线。【考研,2012,完形】


[试题例句] The framers of theConstitution envisioned law as having authorityapart from politics.宪法的制定者们曾设想让法律有独立于政治之外的权力。【考研,2012,完形】

8.upset (vt.使生气).cultivate (vt.培养)

[试题例句]They gave justices permanent positions so they would be free to upsetthose in power and have no need to cultivate politicalsupport.他们给法官永久性的职位,因此法官不会担心得罪当权者,也不需要培植政治上的支持。【考研,2012,完形】


[试题例句]Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politicsprecisely because they are so closely tied.我们的司法制度之所以将法律和政治分开,正是因为它们的联系太过紧密。


10.concept (n.观念)

[试题例句] Constitutional law is political because it results from choicesrooted in fundamental social concepts like liberty andproperty.宪法具有政治性,因为它产生于那些根植于诸如自由和财产等基本社会观念的选择。【考研,2012,完形】

11.shape(vt..形成),dismiss (vt..驳回)

[试题例句] When the court deals with social policy decisions,the law it shapesis inescapably political——which is why decisions split along ideological linesare so easily dismissde asunjust.当法院处理社会政策的裁决时,它所形成的法律不可避免地带有政治色彩——这就是那些由于思想路线不同而导致有分歧的裁决很容易以不公正为由而被驳回的原因。【考研,2012,完形】

12.address(vt.处理),accountable (a.负有责任的)

[试题例句] The justices must address doubts about the court’s legitimacy bymaking themselves accountable to the code ofconduct.法院必须对行为准则负责,以处理公众质疑法院公正性的问题。【考研,2012,完形】

13.renege on (违背)

[试题例句] The company provoked justified outrage in Vermont last week when itannounced it was reneging on a longstanding commitment to abide by the state’sstrict nuclearregulations.上周,当该公司直市背弃长期遵守该州严格的核法规的承诺时,它激起了佛蒙特州(人)的合理愤慨。【考研,2012,阅读】
