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2016-01-29 11:01  作者:  来源:新东方网整理  字号:T|T


1.fade (v.衰退)

[试题例句] As the brain fades,we refer to these occurrences“senior moments.”我们称这些事件为“老年人的时刻”。 【考研,2014,完形】

2、damaging (a.破坏性的),wellbeing (n.幸福)

[试题例句] Whileseemingly innocent,this loss of mental focuscan potentiallyhave a damaging impact on our professional,social,and personalwellbeing.虽然看似无害,但这种精 神无法集中的情况有可能会对我们的事业、社交和个人幸福产生破坏性的影响。【考研,2014,完形】

3、turn out (证明为),workout (n.锻炼),function (n.功能)

[试题例句] It turned out that the brain needs exercise inmuch the same way ourmuscles do,and the right mental workouts can significantly improve our basiccognitivefunctions.事实证明,与肌肉训练很相似,大脑也需要训练,适当的只能训练可以显著提高我们的基本认知功能。【考研,2014,完形】


[试题例句]Thinking is essentially a process of making connections in thebrain.思维本质上是一个再大脑里建立联系的过程。【考研,2014,完型】


[试题例句] To a certain extent,our ability to excel in making the connectionsthat drive intelligence isinherited.擅长在大脑中建立联系的这种能力是遗传得来的,这些联系推动了智力的发展。【考研,2014,完形】

6、however(conj.然而),according to(prep.根据)

[试题例句]However,because these connections are made through effort andpractice,scientists believe that intelligence can expand and fluctuate accordingto mental effort.然而,由于建立这些联系需要努力和练习,科学家们相信智力能根据脑力付出而扩展或变动。【考研,2014,完形】考研报名费多少

7.further (ad.更进一步),sharpness (n.敏锐)

[试题例句] Now,a new Web—based company has taken it a step further anddeveloped the first“brain training”designed to actually help people improve andregain their mental sharpness.现在,一个新成立的基于网络的公司已经更进一步,研发出了第一个“大脑训练项目”,旨在真正帮助人们改善和恢复他们的精神敏锐程度。【考研,2014,完形】


[试题例句] The Web-based program allows you to systematically improve yourmemory and attention skills.这个基于网络的项目可以系统地改善你在记忆力和注意力方面的技能。【考研,2014,完形】

9.keep track of (追踪)

[试题例句] The program keeps track of your progress and provides detailedfeedback on your performance and improvement.该项目对你的进展进行追踪,并对你的表现和提高给出详细反馈。【考研,2014,完形】

10.constantly (ad.不断地),build on (在…的基础上进一步发展),effective(a.有效的)

[试题例句] Most importantly,it constantly modifies and enhances the games youplay to build on the strengths you are developing—much like an effectiveexercise routine requires you to increase resistance and vary your muscleuse.最重要的是,与有效的日常锻炼需要你提高抵抗力、改变参与锻炼的肌肉一样,它不断地对你所参与的游戏进行改进和加强,从而进一步提高你正在形成的各种优势。【考研,2014,完形】

11.sign on [(登记失业(以领取政府的救济金)]

[试题例句]“Those first few days should be spent looking for work,not looking tosign on,”he claimed.“最初的那几天应该花在找工作上,而不是去进行失业登记,”他声称。【考研,2014,阅读】
