2016-02-19 16:50 作者: 来源:新东方网整理 字号:T|T
Cristiano Ronaldo has broken several months of near-silence to rebuff reports that he is unhappy at Real Madrid and might be seeking a move.
The Portugal forward has barely made any public statements since he gruffly told reporters after the Champions League defeat by Schalke 04 in March that he would not speak to the media until the end of the season.
Despite his prolific goal-scoring, Real ended the campaign without major silverware and the coach, Carlo Ancelotti, was sacked, with Rafa Benítez brought in.
The former Manchester United player went out of his way to show support for Ancelotti before he was dismissed and Benítez’s appointment prompted speculation that Ronaldo had fallen out with the club and with the president, Florentino Pérez.
前曼彻斯特球联的队员脱离了C 罗的队伍,转而去支持安切洛蒂,然而不久安切洛蒂被解雇了。新上任的贝尼特斯质疑C罗和俱乐部主席想退出这个俱乐部。
“I would sincerely like the false reports to stop and to be left a little in peace,” Ronaldo was quoted as saying by the Portuguese sports newspaper A Bola.
“Reports that I have sought to create conflicts between myself and Real Madrid are absolutely false. I am very happy at the best club in the world and very focused and confident of a new season full of successes.”
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