2015-06-14 13:09 作者: 来源:重庆新东方 字号:T|T
37. B. displaced与上一句是一个同意结构,displace的意思与sweepaside最为接近!
39. H.
40. C.
41. F.
42. M.
43. A.
benefits与dislocating effect相对应的应该是一个正面的复数名词,或通过but解题
44. E.
impact首先确定为名词,能够hitrich world也只有impact了
45. D.
"That which
does not killus makes us stronger.” But parents can’t handle it when
teenagersput this J.philosophy into practice. And now technology hasbecome the new field for the age-old
battle between adults andtheir freedom-craving kids.
Locked indoors, unable toget on their
bicycles and hang out with their friends, teens haveturned to social media and
their mobile phones to gossip, flirt andsocialize with their peers. What they
do online often I.mirrors what theymight otherwise do if their mobility weren’t so
heavilyB.constrained in the age of helicopterparenting. Social media and
smartphoneapps have become so popular in recent yearsbecause teens need a
place to call their own. They want the freedomtoD. explore their identity and
the world around them.Instead of L.sneaking out, they jumponline
As teens have moved online,parents
have projected their fears onto the Internet, imagining allthe K.potential
dangers that youth might face–from O.violent strangers tocruel peers to pictures
or words that could haunt them on Googlefor the rest of their lives.
Rather than helping teensdevelop
strategies for negotiating public life and the potentialrisks of F.interacting
with others, fearful parents havefocused on tracking, monitoring and blocking.
These tactics don’thelp teens develop the skills they need to manage complex
socialsituations, A.assess risks and get help when they’re introuble. Banning
cell phones won’t stop a teen who’s in love copewith the messy dynamics of
sexting. “Protecting” kids may feel likethe right thing to do, but it
N.undermines the learning thatteens need to do as they come of age in a
36.J.philosophy 位于代词this后,介词前,填名词。意为:但当把这种哲学付诸实践时,家长们也无法处理。
37. I.mirrors 第二空差谓语,且需要单数三人称形式,意为:他们在线上做的反映了他们若非有家长严密监督以使他们机动性受限的话会做的事情。难点在于mirror是做动词哟。
38. B.constrained前面有系动词,后面有状语,这里最好填形容词表语。意为:他们在线上做的反映了他们若非有家长严密监督以使他们机动性受限的话会做的事情。
39. D. explore 这里是to
40. L.sneaking of后接ing做介宾。意为:并非溜出去,他们选择线上翻墙~
41. K.potential all thedangers结构较完整,缺形容词作定语。意为:想象着所有潜在的危险。
42. O.violentfrom后有strangers作介宾,所以需要填形容词。意为:从暴力的陌生人到残酷的同龄人。
44. A.assess并列结构表明该填动词原形,意为:这些策略没有帮助年轻人发展他们的处理复杂社会情境、并在困境中得到帮助的能力的需求。
45. N.undermines缺谓语,且要单数三人称。意为:它破坏了青少年在技术浸泡年代需要做到的学习。
46.E) The process described by
47. B) The intuitive answer is
that some works of art…
48. H) Although many have tried…
49. C) Cutting, a professor at
Cornell University, …
50. K) The intrinsic quality of
a work of art is starting to…
51. D) Cutting believes his
experiment offers…
52. L) A study in the British
Journal of Aesthetics suggests…
53. F) When Watts looked into
the history of…
54. J) Although the rigid
high-low distinction…
55. I) "Saying that
cultural objects havevalue,"
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