2017-04-06 12:06
1. The last half of the nineteenth century________ the steady improvement in the means of travel.
A) has witnessed
B) was witnessed
C) witnessed
D) is witnessed英语六级单词表
2. The shy girl felt ________ and uncomfortable when she could not answer herteacher’s questions.
A) amazed
B) awkward
C) curious
D) amused
3. Ann never dreams of ________ for her to be sent abroad very soon.
A) there being a chance
B) there to be a chance
C) there be a chance
D) being a chance
4. It was very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you ________ it.
A) mustn’t have done
B) wouldn’t have done
C) mightn’t have done
D) didn’t have to do
5. Frequently single-parent children ________ some of the functions that the absentadult in the house would have served.
A) take off
B) take after
C) take in
D) take on
6. He gives people the impression ________ all his life broad.
A) of having spent
B) to have spent
C) of being spent
D) to spend
7. A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial ________.
A) mark
B) feature
C) trace
D) appearance
8. I’d rather you ________ make any comment on the issue for the time being.
A) don’t
B) wouldn’t
C) didn’t
D) shouldn’t
9. All things ________, the planned trip will have to be called off.
A) considered
B) be considered
C) considering
D) having considered
10. John Dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life, that a personlearns by doing, and that teaching must ________ the curiosity and creativity ofchildren.
A) seek
B) stimulate
C) shape
D) secure
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