2016-02-24 16:42
71、 Never ignore your sore caused by the ore. 绝不要小视由矿石引起的疼痛。 72、 Your obscure procedure has secured the immeasurable treasure and ensures the leisure enclosure of any possible exposure. 你们模糊不清的程序将保证会得到无数的珍宝,并将轻松地保证不含有任何曝光的可能。 73、 A mature creature features with better architecture and venture.成熟的人以比前更好的建筑设计及冒险特征。 74、 This gesture is actually a torture for the captured man with such high moisture. 在如此潮气之下,这种装扮实际是对这个被捕者的折磨。 75、 Paradise has concise promise and precise merchandise such as tortoise and compromise of despised praise. 天堂有简明的许诺,精确的商品,如龟及对被蔑视赞美的妥协。 76、 A disguise comprises an enterprise and good supervision. 伪装由计划和良好的监督组成。 77、 Condensing this dense material will take immerse expense and intense work. 压缩这一密度大的物质将花费巨大的开支及紧张的工作。 78、 King’s purpose of imposing a new tax has been soon exposed and even the decomposed dead will be supposed to oppose his luxurious proposal. 国王加征新税的目的很快被告之于众,甚至连土里烂掉的死人也应该起来反对他靡华的求婚。 79、 A glimpse of the eclipse is enough to disperse your coarse verses poems from your cursed horseback. 看一眼日食就足以驱散你在你该诅咒的马背上得来的粗糙的诗句。 80、 Their pause of applause shall have no excuse. 他们的暂停鼓掌将不会有任何借口。新东方重庆学校微信(微信号:xdf_cq)
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