2015-09-16 09:25
京剧 Peking Opera四级答案
京剧是中国的一种传统艺术。它是中国戏曲的一种,诞生于于1790年四大徽班(Four Great Anhui Troupes)入京表演的时候。19世纪中期得到快速发展,到清朝达到全盛阶段。京剧被看成是中国的文化瑰宝之一。虽然它被称为京剧,但是它的起源地却是中国的安徽省和湖北省。京剧起初是一种宫廷表演艺术,而后才慢慢普及到民间。在数百年前,京剧作为一种新的戏曲形式,无论在哪里进行表演,都饱受欢迎。而在现代社会中,包括京剧在内的传统戏曲却不大能被年轻人接受,面临着巨大的生存危机。
Peking opera is a traditional art in China. It is a kind of Chinese opera which was born when the Four Great Anhui Troupes came to Beijing in 1790, arose in the mid-19th century and was extremely popular in the Qing Dynasty. Peking opera is widely regarded as one of the cultural treasures of China. Although it is called Beijing opera, its origins are in the Chinese provinces of Anhui and Hubei. Peking opera was originally staged for the court and came into the public later. Hundreds of years ago, as a new drama form, wherever it was performed, it would be warmly welcomed.. Unfortunately, in the modern world, traditional operas including Peking Opera have to face the existential crisis, because they are not easily accepted by younger generations.
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