2015-10-19 09:47
1. 校园生活场景
1) 借书:
book for reading assignment;
check out;
check for sb;
on the upper shelf;
a book hard to identify/ is missing;
has been misplaced
2) 教授和学生关系:学生问老师问题;学生寻求老师的帮助;学生询问老师对作业的意见;老师要求学生对论文打印错误等
do research for;
work as one's teaching assistant;
trouble a professor;
may I ask you a few questions;
I have a class at ten;
come in one's office hours;
finish reading one's research report;
revise some parts of it;
get it published;
read some papers he recommended;
correct all the typing errors in a paper;
read it through again;
check the paper for typing errors
3) 同学之间交流:选课;听课感受;对老师讲课的评价;提供老师论文复印件;交流论文写作进展;交流如何读书;考试通过互相祝贺;对生病同学补课;认识新同学;为打印论文而向对方询问如何找纸;谈论学习进展等
stay awake;
sleep through;
unnecessarily long;
more attentive;
on this topic;
hard to follow;
think of;
speak highly of;
consider sth. dull;
choose a good topic;
think of sb.'s lecture;
the topic is interesting;
difficult to follow;
say about;
a copy of article;
get on with one's essay;
have a real hard time;
two sleepless nights;
be through with;
finish the assignments;
political science class;
each present a different theory;
read more than one article;
get a full mark in math exams;
do a good job;
miss classes;
bring sb. up to date;
help sb. to catch up;
show up late;
on the first day of school;
get to know;
find quality paper to type essay;
bookshelf; stock room;
go and check;
have one's hands full with;
book report;
how are lessons going;
make progress;
well worth the time and trouble;英语六级考试流程
boring; entertaining;
time consuming;
take five classes next semester;
too many courses offered to students
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