

2016-12-12 16:16




The Most Influential Book in My Life

The Story of My Life by Helen Keller is the mostinfluential book in my life. It abounds with courage,struggle and faith throughout.Helen Keller was oncein deep despair in her childhood, but finally shedecided to overcome her physical defects and livehappily. Furthermore, she showed great patience inher long and hard learning period.

I have learned, above all, three lessons from her story. First, she taught me that often theroad to success is to face hardships bravely. Maybe you are born under an ill star yet you canstand a better chance than others. It is therefore important that you screw up your couragewhen courage is needed. Second, the impairment of part of her senses did not prevent herfrom learning: on the contrary, she had made continual efforts to go deeper into the realm ofknowledge, and her perseverance had thus helped her overcome many handicaps. Third, sheadvised that we should make the most of our sense organs as if we would lose them soonbecause this way we would observe the world more carefully than ever before.

The book is inspiring in that it is one brimming over with the unbending will of a gallantwoman beset with seemingly insurmountable difficulties.④I hope I can be as courageous asshe.





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