2016-12-15 15:03
Write a composition entitled How to Protect Privacy on Internet. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.
How to Protect Privacy on Internet
Do you worry that your private information such as address, salary or telephone number on Internet will be let out without your permission? This has become the common for many people.
The hot discussion on how to protect privacy on Intemet has lasted for these years. The following several reasons are approved by the mainstream of the society. For one thing, our govemment is expected to make stricter laws or regulations to protect privacy on Internet from leaking out. For another, both mass media and schools should educate people to keep their promises and seal their mouths on others' privacy. Besides, in some fields, personal information has been transacted for pursuing profits. And therefore cutting off the profitable chain plays a vital role in protecting personal privacy.
就如何保护网络隐私的热烈讨论已经持续了多年。以下几个原因是社会主流普遍认可的。一方面,我们的政府有望制定更严格的法律或规范,以防止互联网上的隐私世露。另一方面,大众媒体和学校应教育人们遵守承诺, 对他人的隐私守口如瓶。此外,在某些领域,为追求利润,个人信息被拿来做交易。因此,切断这种利润链在保护个人隐私中起着非常重要的作用。
Could you imagine that we're relaxing, listening to music or surging on Internet at home while our personal information is spreading or even being exchanged illegally? Only if privacy is protected effectively and create a clean cyber environment, can people feel at ease to surge the web. (180 words)
let out 泄漏
permission [pər'miʃn] n.同意,允许
mainstream ['meinstri:m] n.主流
leak out 泄渴
keep one's promise 信守承诺
seal one's mouth 守口如瓶
cut off 切断
profitable chain 利益链
vital ['vaitl] adj.重要的
illegally [i'li:gəli] adv.不法地,违法地
surge the web 上网
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