2016年12月英语四级词汇语法练习题 第026组_大学英语四级答案
2016-12-21 14:05
1. By ________ computation, he estimated thatthe repais on the house would cost him a thousanddollars.
A. coarse B. rude C. rough D. crude
2. The police were alerted that the escaped criminalmight be in the ________.
A. vain B. vicinity C. court D. jail
3. The statue would be perfect but for a few small________ in its base.
A. mistakes B. weaknesses C. flaws D. errors
4. This light shelf is strong enough to _______ all the books here.
A. wipe B.wax C.survey D.sustain
5. In the big flood, only 20 percent of the people in that village __________.
A. remained B. stayed C. lived D. survived
6. Your story about the frog turning into a prince is ________ nonsense.大学英语四级答案
A. shear B. sheer C. shield D. sheet
7. The factors which would influence the learning will _____ with each other.
A. interact B. install C. innovate D. intend
8. One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a ________ opration, he quicklyrecovered his sight.
A. precise B. considerate C. delicate D. sensitive
9. He would much ______ it if you could do him the favor.
A. award B. apply C. appreciate D. anticipate
10.Mr. White tried to _______ this job through the influence of his father.
A. harness B.fetch C.curse D.obtain
1.C。A. coarse粗糙的;B. rude 粗鲁的;C. rough崎岖的,D. crude 粗的,粗鲁的。
2.B。A. vain空的,空虚的;B. vicinity在附近(in thevicinity);C. court法院;D. jail监狱。
3.C。A. mistakes 错误,误差;B. weaknesses 弱点;C.flaws差错,瑕疵;D. errors 误差,错误。
4.D wipe 擦,拭;擦去,消除;涂上;刷卡;wax 给……打蜡,给……上蜡;渐渐变大;变为;(月亮)渐圆,渐盈survey 调查;勘测;俯瞰;sustain维持;支撑,支持;遭受,忍受;供养。
5.D remain 留下, 逗留。stay 停留。 live 居住; 住。survive 幸存, 活下来。
6.B。A. shear剪羊毛(做名词为剪羊毛的剪子);B. sheer完全的纯粹的;by sheer chance完全处于偶然;C.shield盾牌;D. sheet薄片床单,纸张。
7.A。interact 相互作用;install 安装;innovate 创新;intend 打算。
8.C。A. precise精确的;B. considerate为他人着想的,体谅别人的;C. delicate容易受伤的,易损的,需要小心或者技巧处理的;D. sensitive 敏感的。
9.C。award 授予;apply 运用;appreciate 感激;anticipate 期望。
10.D。harness 治理;给(负重的动物)套轭具;给……穿铠甲;fetch 抵达,到达;取来;卖得(好价钱);curse 诅咒;咒骂;使苦恼,使困苦;把(某人)逐出教门;obtain 获得,得到。
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