2016-12-28 17:34
121. 不屈服的unyielding
123.有决心的determined, resolute, resolve
125.教育性的,启发性的instructive, educational, enlightening
126.有意义的meaningful, significative
127. 有价值的valuable
128.占有,持有,拥有occupy, hold, own, possess
129. 珍贵的,昂贵的precious, valuable, valued, prized, cherished, treasured, dear, costly, high-priced
130.上升increase, ascend to(追溯到), go up, rise, mount, on the rise, roar
131.提前ahead of time, ahead of schedule, beforehand, in advance, prior to
132.冷淡的,漠不关心的indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested, chilly(寒冷的)
133.恢复restore, recover, regain(v. 恢复, 重新获得), resume
134.迷人的,吸引人的enchanting, charming, appealing, alluring, fascinating, attractive
135.强烈的,激烈的keen, intense, fierce, violent, strong (heavy)
136.繁荣的,兴旺的prosperous, flourishing, thriving, booming
137.富裕的affluent, wealthy, well-off
138. 壮丽的,引人注目的splendid, grand, magnificent, superb, striking, impressive, grand, marvelous, wonderful
139.位于be located, be situated, stand, sit, lie
140.能力capability, competence, capacity, faculty, talent
141. 各种各样的a variety of, various, diverse, all kinds of, all sorts of
142. 显示,反映demonstrate, reflect, manifest, indicate, point to, reveal
143. 胜过,比……优越have the edge on
144.突然的,出其不意的abruptly, unexpectedly, suddenly
145.胜过,超过outweigh, exceed, surpass
146. 空前的,无前例的unprecedented
147.罕见的exceptional, unusual, uncommon, rare
148.承受,经历undergo, endure, live with ,go through, experience
149.(整体)由……组成be made up of, consist of, be comprised of, be composed of 构成(整体), constitute
150.毋庸置疑的,确信的unquestionably, indisputably, undeniably, out of question, going without saying, unsurprisingly, undoubtedly, it is no wonder that…definitely
151.娱乐,乐趣entertainment, amusement
152.抽象的,深奥的 abstract
153.复杂的complicated, complex
154.费解的mysterious, incomprehensible, obscure, unintelligible
155.混杂的,不清楚地,迷惑的confused, bewildered, perplexed
156. 目击witness, observe, view
157.遵守 abide by , observe, conform
158. 违反,侵犯violate, disobey, infringe(vt.), (break)
159.责备,斥责blame, accuse, denounce, (scold)四级英语多少分过
160.真诚的,衷心的 hearty,sincere,frank, (honest)
161. 寒冷的chilly, wintry, frigid
162.使……不安,扰乱upset, agitate(v. 搅动,煽动), bother, disturb, trouble
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