2017-01-18 10:42
Due attention should be given to Spelling
1) 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写
Due attention should be given to Spelling
As a basic skill in English studying, correctspelling plays a great important role incommunication. However, nowadays, more andmorestudents tend to pay less and lessattention toit stead of focusing on only speaking.四级多少分及格
Based on related surveys, the following can beconcluded to contribute to the situation. On the one hand, some students themselves, toavoid making great efforts in spelling, prefer to choose such easy ways to study English asthrough E-dictionaries or computers, that usually causes them to make some mistakes inspelling. On the other hand, a great number of teachers seem to be more concerned withgrammar and vocabulary but not spelling in their teaching practice to improve students’ grades;therefore, students inappropriately spend less time and attention on their spelling.
As far as I’m concerned, there are many possible measures to be takento solve theproblem. To students, besides realizing the importance of spelling in exams and daily contacts,they should write as much as they can to form a goof habit of studying, that is, “never readbooks unless write some notes|”. To teachers, they should be stricter with students in correctspelling and make dictations be a class compulsory task. Only by joint efforts of students andteachers can the misspelling problem be solved.
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