2017-02-27 14:15
Facing the increasingly serious environmental problems, low-carbon economy attracts more and more attention of the countries all over the world. For the definition of low-carbon economy is different, but one thing is not controversial. It is widely acknowledged that low-carbon economy is a economical model on the basis of low energy consumption, low pollution and low emission, a major progress of human society following agriculture civilization, industrial civilization. In essence, low-carbon economy is efficiently use of energy, development of clean energy and pursuit of green GDP, with the core of energy technology and emission reduction technology innovation, industrial structure and system innovation, and the fundamental shift of human’s survival and development ideas. In the critical period of economic development in our country, to further coordinate the relationship between low-carbon economy and the development, protect the ecological environment of the earth, is about the well-being of the Chinese people and the people all over the world as well.
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