2017-03-16 16:54
中国人对龙的理解与西方人不一样。龙是帝王的象征。帝王的子孙被称为“龙 种”,帝王的用品也常常被加上“龙”字,如“龙袍”、“龙椅”等,连帝王的面色也被 称为“龙颜”。龙也是杰出人物的象征,汉语中有“卧虎藏龙”、“乘龙快婿”等。同时,龙也是一种祥瑞(auspicious)之物。因此,人们希望它能留在自己的家里,保 佑自己家里一切平安,万事如意。每到舞龙灯(dragondance)的时节,人们会请人 到家里来舞一回。又因龙呈威猛之相,故也有龙舟(dragonboat)驱鬼辟邪的说法。
Chinese people's understanding of dragon is different from that of Westerners.Dragon is the symbol of emperors. The descendants of emperors are called “children of the dragon”. The objects used by emperors are also usually named with the word “dragon”,such as “dragon robes' “dragon chairs' Even the face of the emperor is called “dragon face”. Dragon also symbolizes outstanding people. In Chinese, there are “crouching tiger, hidden dragon”,“a proud son-in-law” and so on. Meanwhile, dragon is also an auspicious sign. Therefore, people hope that dragon can stay in their homes to bless family members, thus everyone can be healthy and everything can go well. When it comes to dragon dance time, people will invite performers to perform in their own homes. As dragon appears awe-inspiring and fierce, it is said that dragon boat can drive ghosts away and avoid the evil.
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