2017-03-16 17:27
feel better in one’s life某人身体非常好
enjoy the best medical care享受最好的医疗
receive free/timely medical treatment接受免费/及时治疗
a possible cure for (heart disease/cancer)一种(心脏病/癌症)的可能的疗法
lower high body temperature effectively有效降低高体温
reduce the chance of death减少死亡的几率
speed up one’s recovery after surgery加快某人外科手术后的恢复
adjust one’s blood pressure调节血压
take medicine in large doses大剂量地服药
seal the birth records of sb.密封某人的出生记录
suffer from (mental)illness遭受(精神)病
commit suicide自杀
mental disorder神经错乱
a permanent limp永久性跛
suffer a nervous breakdown遭受神经失常
be wrongly diagnosed被误诊
be seriously injured 遭重伤
develop a(strange) disease患(奇怪的)病
out of the blue晴天霹雳地,突然,出乎意料地
undergo therapy正接受治疗
receive physical therapy接受理疗
gain (some) weight增肥
lose weight减肥
be out of shape体形走样
sleep deficiency睡眠缺乏
declining health 越来越糟的健康状况
be in good/poor health 健康状况好/差四级听力
major breakthrough in… 在……方面有重大突破
beyond cure 无法治愈
get treatment 获得治疗
high blood pressure 高血压
twist one’s ankle 扭伤脚踝
hurt/injury/wound 受伤
mental hospital 精神病医院
surgeon 外科医生
dentist 牙医
have/catch a cold 感冒
catch a disease染病
have a sore throat 嗓子痛
have a headache 头痛
give a prescription 开药方
have an operation 做手术
tablet 药片
injection 注射
capsule 胶囊
take an X-ray 拍X光片
stay in hospital 住院
aspirin 阿司匹林
preventive injection 预防针
cold cure 感冒药
case history 病历
take one’s temperature 量体温
send for a doctor 请医生
take one’s blood pressure 量血压
have a toothache 牙痛
feel chilly 觉得发冷
throw up 呕吐
have a stuffed nose 鼻子不通
fall off a step 摔下楼梯
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