2017-03-17 11:55
翻译家金堤先生去世后,告别活动“颇为不拘一格”。其家人的告别邀请信中写道:“我们邀请各位朋友和我们一起庆祝他87年丰富的生活,纪念他一丝不苟的精神。留几句话与他告别,喝一杯故乡的酒为他送行。” 那天,在音乐和花丛中,金先生的从容和欢乐,通过家人和朋友的娓娓诉说,弥漫开来,温暖着每个人。 这样的告别,不免让人心生感喟:通常,与逝者告别,往往是到那个肃穆的地方:哀乐低回,人们踽踽而过,低头,默哀,垂泪,悲不自胜,那哀伤似比寒风更彻骨。
After interpreter Mr.Jin Di passed away,,his memorial services was quite uncommon.In his letter,they wrote:We invite all the friends to celebrate the 87 years of colorful life he lived and commemorate his meticulous attitude for work.We will say a few parting words and drink a cup of wine for his departure.On that day,among music and clusters of flowers,Mr.Jin's easy-going and happy happy life was told by family members and friends,which warmed the soul of every one present.Such farewell would draw nothing but signing emotion from one's heart.Saying farewell to the passed is usually a grief moment mournful songs are singing and people are sadly stepping away,lowering their heads,silently mourning with more bitter grief than cold wind.Just as leafs in the deep autumn return to the land so every season will die.
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