2017-03-20 11:27
make sb. smile 使某人开心
get upset easily over little things 容易在小事上生气
a strange personality 个性古怪
emotional problems 情绪问题
had a great time 过得很愉快
in a bad mood 情绪糟糕
a very bad temper 脾气很不好
talkative 健谈的,爱说话的
half a dozen of words 没说几句话
hit the ceiling 勃然大怒
made a fuss over 过分注意……,对……小题大做英语四级准考证号查询
in one’s place 代替某人
share one’s feeling 与某人有同感
go out of style 过时
possess a natural talent for… 有……的天赋四级阅读主题词汇
make (direct) eye contact(直接的)目光接触
look sb. in the eye直视某人
the lack of eye contact缺乏目光接触
avert one’s eyes from… 避而不看……
a cultural misunderstanding文化误解
increase/expand one’s understanding of others增进对他人的理解
false assumptions错误假设
discover one’s personal bias发现某人的个人偏见
eliminate (invalid) biases消除(站不住脚的)偏见
get rid of his gender bias消除他的性别偏见
sb.’s misjudgment about… 某人对……的错误判断
give responses to sb.’s questions对某人的问题作出反应
a diversity workshop多样化讲习班
pass over sb. 不考虑某人
miss out错过(机会)
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