2017-03-20 14:33
1.His proposal is very _______. We do not need any explanation.
A. concrete B. loyal C. grey D. draft
2.This is a _______ computer, which we just bought for our research.
A. detective B. luggage C. digital D. grave
3.The two pictures are _______. We don’t know which is the copy.
A. identical B. likely C. limited D. resemble
4.If you don’t want to wash your jacket, you may send it to a _______.
A. participant B. planet C. laundry D. ribbon
5.If the _______ in the test is too small, we can not get a good result.四级成绩查询官网
A. sample B. percent C. leisure D. flight
6.I am very _______. You may tell me your suggestion.
A. fog B. debate C. culture D. flexible
7.This is a very big hotel and it can _______ more than 1,000 people.
A. accommodate B. display C. faint D. loaf
8.Professor Li _______ in doing his experiment for nearly ten years.
A. insisted B. piled C. persisted D. split
9.The new plan is _______ and everybody present agrees with it.
A. feasible B. adventure C. appendix D. camel
10.Please be _______. Your question is too general.
A. limited B. narrow C. specific D. thorough
1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.C
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