2017-07-24 10:05
1 The boy ran quickly, his father following. (表示伴随情况)四级网
2 He lay on his back, his hands acrossed under his head. (表示伴随情况)
1、They started home, their minds full of plans for increasing production. (表示伴随情况)
2、 He was silent for a moment, his lips tight. (表示伴随情况)
1、 He put on his socks, wrong side out. (表示补充说明)
2 、The war over, all the Chinese people’s volunteers came back to China. (表示补充说明)
1 、She came in, a baby in her arms. (表示伴随情况)
2 、He went off, gun in hand. (表示伴随情况)
His homework done, Jim decided to go and see the play.
(=After his homework was done, he decided to go and see the play.)
The last bus having gone, we had to walk home.
(=Because the last bus having gone, we had to walk home. )
Weather permitting, we’ll go for an outing tomorrow.
(=If weather permitting, we’ll go for an outing tomorrow.)
They walked through the forest, an old hunter leading the way.
He lived in a wooden house with two rooms, one being a bedroom and the other being an office.
(=He lived in a wooden house with two rooms, one was a bedroom, the other was an office.)
1、——Why are they taking all the equipment away?
——The job_____, they are packing up to leave.
A. it to done B. did C. was did D. done
2、Other things being equal, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than the man whose command of language is poor.
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