2019-04-04 10:41
The best known and loved of all our many Christmas songs SilentNight was written in Oberndorf, a tiny village in Bavarian mountains. On Christmas eve, 1818, Oberndorf had been 67 by a severe snowstorm, but 68 the inhabitants cheerfully prepared for the Christmas 69 Then they discovered, to their 70 , that the organ (风琴) had broken 71 .
A village schoolmasterand church 72 knew how unhappy the people in the villagewould be, for music was the 73 of all their celebration. So he went to thepriest and 74 that the priest write a75 song for the Christmas celebration that could be sung 76 any preparation. The priest promised to do his 77 Towards evening hewent 78 theschoolmaster with the lovely words of the song Silent Night. Then theschoolmaster composed a melody to 79 the words. On Christmas morning, the beautiful 80 was sung for the first time, A guitar was the 81 accompaniment (伴奏) and the words "Silent night, Holy night, all is calm, all is bright " 82 pure and clear in the Bavarian air. Thesong was not 83 to England until one hundredyears later. 84 have changed, but"Silent Night" has remained. It is still sung 85 comers of the world where people 86 thebirth of Jesus Christ.
67. A) isolated
B) covered
C) enclosed
D) surrounded
68. A) later
B) still
C) yet
D) also
69. A) eve
B) season
C) time
D) festivities
70. A) encouragement
C) disappointment
D) surprise
71. A) in
B) off
C) away
D) down
72. A) goer
B) organist
C) pianist
D) choirmaster
73. A) center
C) heart
B) middle
D) midst
74. A) suggested
B) ordered
C) claimed
D) agreed
75. A) complicated
B) similar
C) same
D) special
76. A) for
B) without
C) along
D) except
77. A) work
B) job
C) best
D) good
78. A) home
B) to the home of
C) to home of
D) to home
79. A) fill in
B) equip
C) fit
D) prove
80. A) music
B) carol
C) words
D) melody
81. A) merely
C) once
B) solely
D) only
82. A) sounded
B) heard
C) sung
D) appeared
83. A) taken
B) sung
C) brought
D) forwarded
84. A) Days
B) Times
C) Years
D) Period
85. A) in all
B) at all
C) on all
D) all over
86. A) memorize
B) commemorate
C) recognize
D) remember
67. A
68. B
69. D
70. C
71. D
72. B
73. C
74. A
75. D
76. B
77. C
78. B
79. C
80. B
81. D
82. A
83. C
84. B
85. A
86. B
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