2019-04-04 10:46
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:
Over vast areas of every continent,the rainfall and vegetation necessary for life are disappearing.Already more than 40 percent of the earth's land is desert or desert like.About 628 million people—one out of seven—live in these dry regions.In the past,they have managed to survive,but with difficulty.[ZZ(Z]Now largely through problems caused by modern life,their existence is threatened by the slow,steady spread of the earth's deserts. Scientists still do not understand all the complex problems of the desert,but there have been many ideas for saving the land.Sandi Arabia has planted 10 million trees to help keep the sand from taking over fertile areas.The Israelis are aga in using some of the water collection systems left by the ancient people in the Negev desert.They plan to water their orchards with the extra water.Some Sahel farmers still raise cattle on their poor farm land,but before the cattle are sold, they are taken to greener lands in the south to get fat.
26. What is the article mainly concerned?
A.The problem of spreading desert.
B.The rainfall and vegetation in desert areas.
C.The water collection systems.
D.The difference between modern life and ancient life.
27. “one out of seven” refers to____.
A.more than a third of the lands' earth
B.the percentage of the earth's land that is desert-like
C.the number of people who live in dry regions
D.a day of a week
28. In paragraph 2,“they are taken to the greener lands in the south.”They refers to____.
A.the Sahel farm land
B.the farmers
C.the cattles
D.the trees
29. How many ideas for saving the land are described?
A.Five. B.Two. C.Four. D.Three.
30. Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?
A.The earth's desert are slowly spreading.
B.One out of 10 people lives in dry regions.
C.Their life in the desert is threatened now by traditional problems.
D.New water wells can solve the problem in Africa's desert.
31. 答案B。见原文第一段最后一句,“Because of modern technology like the satellite that travel around the world,information travels fast.”因此B)为正确选项。
32. 答案A。见原文第一段“News of a disaster such as an earthquake or a floodcan bring help from distant countries within hours,help is on the way”因此A快速通信为正确答案。C)最近,最新新闻并不全面。B)现代技术,D)新观念。
33. 答案A。见原文第二段“ ...To many people,the world has become smaller...”对许多人来说,地球变得更小了。这当然不是地球本身变小了,而是因为通信交流加快。因此A)为正确的阐述。
34. 答案D。见原文第二段“ ...Two hundred years ago,communication between the continents took a long time.All news was carried on ships that...”二百年前,大陆之间的信息传递耗时很长。所有的消息都是通过海上传递的…。D)by sea符合该意,因此为正确答案。
35. 答案C。见原文第二段“Peace was made in England,but the news of peace took six weeks to reach America...”和平协议在英格兰签署,但该消息直到六个星期以后才传到美国。因此可以排除选项A)、B)和D)
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