2019-04-22 17:48
Write a composition entitled Is It Necessary for College Students to Own a Computer. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.
Is It Necessary for College Students to Own a Computer
With the development of science and technology and the improvement of people's living standard, computer has become an indispensable part of people's life. In universities, almost every student has one computer in the dormitory now, and people have different views about it.
Some people believe that the computer can promote students' learning. On tbe one hand, as the resources of network education are very bountiful now, computers are helpful for students to broaden their vision and enrich their knowledge; on the other hand,as one of the necessary tools to students', learning, computers can help students obtain easy access to the new trends of academic development of certain subjects. However, others maintain that the computer will affect the students' learning, since some students are addicted to online games, network chatting, and even some unhealthy content. Moreover, teachers and parents cannot oversee them.
As far as college students are concemed, popularity of the computer has both its advantages and disadvantages. But in my view, though I support the former attitude, at the same time, we should be alert to the negative influence of computer.(183 words)。英语四级词汇mp3
就大学生而言, 电脑的普及既有好处也有坏处。但是依我看来,虽然我支持前一种观点,同时,我们应该警惕电脑的负面影响。
indispensable [,indi'spensəbl] adj.不可缺少的,绝对必要的
oversee [,ouvər'si:] v.监视,监督,看管
be alert to 对…… 警惕;对…… 警觉
bountiful ['bautifl] adj.充足的,丰富的
the negative influence 消极影响
be addicted to 对……上瘾;沉溺于
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