2019-05-15 10:43
1) 运动
boating and skating are my favorite sports;
walk all the way to the office;
find great pleasure in walking;
take it as a kind of exercise;
fishing is a good way to kill time;
give a talk on fishing;
have the same hobby as sb.;
show great enthusiasm for;
be enthusiastic for;
be interested in;
be willing to swim;
how do you like yesterday's play;
play one's part quite well/exaggerate his part= too dramatic to be realistic;
see last night's film on channel
2) 闲聊:
it's high time we turned our attention to the problem;
I can't agree with you more;
I'd ride a bike to work;
take a crowded bus during the rush hours;
take good care of one's car;
the car is well maintained;
the car is in good condition;英语六级网
no scratches on the outside and the inside is clean too;
car can stand any crash
3) 公共场合:
the music is beautiful;
I'd like to dance;
I don't know the steps;
give performance;
listen to the music;
dance to music;
Tom looks awfully nervous;
be not used to making speeches;
an awful/inexperienced speaker;
be terribly embarrassed;
the audience get up and leave in the middle of the performance;
appreciate the real life drama;
the title of the oil painting;
an early 18-century work;
look it up in the catalog;
at an art gallery
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