2019-11-15 09:46
Q:Do you work or Are you a student?
A:Yep ,I'm a senior student of Guangzhou University .
Q:Do you like your studies?/Do you like your school life?
A:Yep ,i'm very enjoy my studies/life in the school .I think it is awesome .
Firstly ,I can learn the advanced knowledge in the class ,it help me open up my eyes .
The others ,i have join some club activity after class ,which could help me make some friend and the club activities also have much fun .
In general ,i love the school life .
Q:What major are you studying?
A:Yep ,i'm studying Software Engineering ,
Q:Do you like it?
A:Yep,I love it very much,because Software Engineering involves a lot of computer's knowledge,which is something that I've always been interested in since i was a pupil ,Studying it also give me a lot of fun and joy .六级分值分布
Q:Why do you chose it?
A:Mostly because of my parents as they found the computer was fascinated me when i was a pupil ,also they thought studying Software Engineering would be helpful for me to find a job after i graduate ,So I chose to went with their decision .
Q:One subject you like/dislike in high school .
A1:Yep,one subject that i really like in high school was history,because I’m quite good at it ,so I could got good grades in exams ,which made me really proud of myself .
A2:Yep ,one subject that i really like in high school was music , for one thing i could appreciate the wonderful music ,the other is that music class is a good way for me to relax so i can relieve stress from my study .
A3:Yep ,one subject that i didn't enjoy is politics ,because it is too different and i am terrible at it ,so i always failed in exams ,this situation made me really upset and frustrated .
A4:Yep ,one subject that i didn't enjoy is politics ,because the class is dull ,In one way ,it only went through the boring textbook and focus on explaining rigid theories and concepts ,In the other way ,i had so many things to memories from the book .
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