2020-07-21 09:46
1、描述自己的看法和体会并谈谈对“ 工作效率”这一问题的意见。
2、人人都说提高工作效率很重要, 实际上做到了多少?
More and more people have become aware of the significance of work efficiency. What doeswork efficiency mean? First of all, it means working without any waste of time. A person withefficiency can produce more things in less time. In addition, work efficiency is closely linkedwith better quality of work results.
Many people are interested in improving their work efficiency because it can bring a lot ofbenefits both to an individual and to the society.The most obvious benefit of work efficiency is that a person can use the time saved to do alot of other valuable things. For example, a student who studies with high efficiency can wintime to read more books, and to be engaged in more activities. Another benefit is that aperson who works efficiently can have more leisure time to enjoy life. He can do whatever helikes to do in his leisure time, such as listening to music, going to movies, shopping, andtouring.
High efficiency in work will undoubtedly lead to the great increase of output and theimprovement of the quality of products, which will, in turn, contribute to the developmentand the prosperity of the society.
be linked with 与……相连
be engaged in 从事
output n. 产量
prosperity n. 繁荣
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