2015-08-27 09:35
The established idea about high school students is that they should enteruniversities or colleges after they have finished high school study. But inthese years the number of students who go to travel or work increases at a fastspeed, attracting attention to study.
Either to travel or to do a job, part time or full time, helps students togrow in a happy and healthy way. To work usually means to earn a sum of moneywhich a student uses to buy whatever delights him or her. Besides, the sum ofmoney has deep sense to a student because he or she feels that he has grown upenough to help parents release pressure. My own experience in a factory in thesummer holiday in 1996 severs as a good example. I earned totally ¥92.75 RMBthat summer, almost half of my total year tuition.
To travel is also positive to students who have been kept in classrooms forlong. When one travels, he or she learns more in a different way unavailable inclassroom. My English professor once said that a person learns more in ahundred-mile travel than reading ten thousand books. In fact, a travel is acomplex process, in which one learns to make stranger acquaintance, acquaintancefriends, and friends brothers and sisters. In traveling, not only can thetraveler learn more about the geography, biology, and culture but also the deepmeans of life.雅思口语救生圈
Clearly, to travel and to work both are helpful to the high schoolleavers.
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