

2015-09-18 09:11




People have different expectation for jobs. Some people prefer to do thesame job for the same company, and some people rather than change the jobfrequently. advantage and disadvantage?

Nowadays, whether of not stay in one position for a long time is a problemthat worried about a lot of people. To understand the solution, let’s take acloser look at the two sides of both at first.雅思作文思路

The merit of going in for a life-time career is obvious. Firstly, long timeworking in the same position can help one become an expert in this area, for itis natural to get familiar with your work from every angle and accumulateabundant experience. In addition, mistakes of the routine tasks would beminimized because you have learned the lessons. However, the defect is alsocaused by the long time unchanging job. As every one’s patience is different,some may feel that the longer they do the same job, the less interest and powerthey may have.

In comparison, if one person changes job frequently, he or she never annoyabout this problem, which is the best advantage of doing like this.

Once the worker feels bored with job, changing it directly. But this wouldmake one person not good at any subjects that he or she did. What is worst,while the competition of job is getting sharper and sharper, who can be sure offinding a job whenever he or she wants?

Therefore, since each of two ways shows a unique quality, the better way,in my opinion, is to try some jobs at first in order to make an aim. Onceseeking the job you like, don’t alert it easily and devote yourself to it.





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