2015-10-21 11:03
在雅思口语part three部分,很多同学都觉得无法可说。到底有什么样的办法可以让你拓展话题呢?雅思口语考官帮你揭秘:
Keep asking yourself "why?"雅思写作官方题库范文大全
Explain the alternatives
Give an example
Do you think that school children should be encouraged to have their ownideas, or is it more important for them to learn what their teachers givethem?
I think that we should definitely allow children to be creative and havetheir own ideas. (why?) Children need to develop the ability to think forthemselves and solve problems (why?) because as adults they will not always havesomebody to guide them or tell them what to do. (alternatives?) If we don'tallow children to have their own ideas, they will be less successful in theadult world; they will be too reliant on others. (example?) A doctor, forexample, might encounter a situation that he or she hasn't been trained for, butwill still be expected to make a decision that could save someone's life.
Question: What do you think are the most important qualities for friends tohave?
Maybe the most important things are that friends need to share commoninterests and be honest with each other. (why?) Friends are people we spend alot of time with, so it definitely helps if they enjoy doing the same activitiesor talking about the same topics as we do, and of course we need to be able totrust our friends, so honesty is vital for a good friendship. (alternatives /example?) I think I would struggle to become friends with someone who didn’thave anything in common with me, or who wasn’t reliable or trustworthy.
Question: How important do you think it is for a person to spend some timealone?
I’d say that it’s essential to spend a bit of time alone, even if it’s justa few minutes a day. (why?) When you have a few minutes to yourself, it’s achance to take stock and reflect on things. (why?) Most of us live such busylives that our brains need time to catch up every now and then. (example /alternatives?) Personally, I try to have a bit of “me time” every day; I’ll gofor a coffee or find a quiet place to sit and read the newspaper. If I never hadany time alone, I think I’d go mad!
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