

2015-12-08 12:37





55. What do you usually do in your spare time? ( 5 - 6 )

55. What are your spare time interests? ( 5 - 6 )

As a matter of fact, I have very few spare times these days. My studies areso important to me that I have given up all my other activities. I used to loveplaying tennis, but now I simply do not have the time.

55. What do you usually do in your spare time? ( 7 - 8 )

55. What are your spare time interests? ( 7 - 8 )

Well, these days, surfing on the Internet has been my only interest inleisure time. I have just bought my first computer, and love to look forexciting web sites that I have not known before. Moreover, by means of webcameras I am able to watch what wild animals are doing in many parts of theworld. I particularly like to watch the polar bears playing with their cubs.Surfing on the Internet is of course very time consuming, so I don’t really havetime for anything else.

56. Do you often watch TV? What is your favorite program? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, I often watch TV. My favorite program is called ‘Discovery’. It is nota science fiction but a documentary on real life events and happenings. Forexample, it had a program on the latest eclipse of the sun that occurred at theend of the year. The program also talks about nature. Last week it explained howsome birds have adapted themselves to survive in a desert.雅思词汇红宝书

57. Do you think watching TV is a waste of time? ( 5 - 8 )

No, I don’t think so. We can learn a lot from watching TV and it is a goodway to relax. Soap operas help me to relax, while the documentaries areinformative. Lastly, I believe that TV has become the best source of informationthese days. For example, it is a fast and convenient way to find out about thelatest news from all over the world.





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