2016-07-22 17:00
2014年8月雅思写作预测题目:学历史带来的价值多还是少。Some people think that the subjects and lessoncontents for children should be decided by authorities, e.g. central government.Others think that teachers should decide these for students. Discuss both theseviews and give your own opinion.
Some people think that history is of little or no use to us. Others,however, argue that studying history gives many benefits. Discuss both theseviews and give your own opinion.
Studying the past is a waste of time, money and energy, since things in thepast were
out-‐dated and therefore bear little relevance to the present-‐dayproblems.
支持后者 所有人都应该读满18 年的书
A close look on the variation of history can shed light on (揭示) the overalltrend of countries and the world at large, and is therefore a compass to us whenconsidering our grave future decisions, e.g. the study of historical datareveals the law of economy, and assists people to make correct and appropriateinvestment plan. 大学教育是为了就业还 是其它(大学教育四大功能:知识,实践,素质,人际); 教育应该泛还是专
A sign of one’s maturity is to be able to think critically. This ensurespeople to judge and behave sensibly, as well as to keep an impartial attitudetowards people and occurrences,
e.g. the truth about human nature is exposed in history, which offers us arational perspective when confronted with complicated situations. 大学教育 是为了就业还是其它(大学教育四大功能:知识,实践,素质,人际); 教育应该泛还是专
learning history is not the same as learning FROM it.
University should prepare students for employ or have other functions. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
所有人都应 该读满 18 年的书
Everybody should stay in school until 18. To what extent do you agree ordisagree with this opinion?
Some people believe teenagers should concentrate on all school subjects.But, others believe they should focus on the subject that they are best at orthat they find the most interesting. Discuss both these views and give your ownopinion.
32. 留学利弊
More and more students choose to go to another country for their highereducation. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the benefits outweighthe problems associated with it?
Students can benefit from the academic yields and take adavantage of theart-‐of-‐the-‐state facilities by entering famous oversea universities.
By encountering students from different cultures, students can acquire awider range of horizon and become more open-‐minded.
A degree from a prestigious university is beneficial for students to obtaina well-‐paid job and a promising career after graduation.雅思考试报名官网
It is predictably hard for foreign students, especially at the beginning,to get used to local life, e.g. food and customs. And phychologically, it is notonly homesick, also the difficulty of getting involved in local society eitherbecause of language barrier or of cultural difference that can lead to seriousdepression and solitude.
Quite a few students lack the basic surviving skills, e.g. cooking,patching and even making beds. Also, due to the absence of parental supervision,young foreign students (under 18) may easily misbehave, e.g. skipping classes,drinking and even taking drugs. 寄宿学校的利弊(寄宿学校锻炼自理能力)
In many cases, oversea study can cost quite a fortune, which becomes anunbearable financial burden for parents.
Some people think students should go to boarding schools instead of livingat home. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
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