2016-10-10 14:55
Is it good to live in a large modern city?雅思口语考试流程
1. Most people love cities and many are flocking there from thecountry.
2. Modern man is too sophisticated for simple country pleasures.
3. It is enough to visit the countryside at weekends.
4. Commuting does not really affect those who live in cities; it is only asmall inconvenience.
5. People easily adapt themselves to city life; noise and traffic arehardly noticeable.
6. There are many reasons why city life is preferable: there are moreplaces for entertainment, etc.
7. There are better schools and services in big cities.
8. There are more chances of employment. The range of jobs is greater andthe pay is higher.
9. There is more opportunity to succeed in life.
10. The educational level is higher; it is a better place for children.
1. Large modern cities are too big to control.
2. Commuting stretches man's resources to the utmost.
3. Cit123wellers adopt a wholly unnatural way of life. They lose touch withthe land and the rhythm of nature. They are barely conscious of seasons.Flowers, leaves, the changes of season become irrelevant in their lives.
4. Rents are high; buying a house is impossible for average people.
5. Cities breed crime and violence; houses are often burgled.
6. Tension in big cities shortens people's lives.
7. People lose too much time in getting to work.
8. In big cities there are not enough public toilets.
9. Pollution in big cities is becoming more and more serious.
10. City people are not as warm-hearted and friendly as country people.
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