2016-10-28 14:32
Should students only learn from books?
1. Only books can provide people with the knowledge that makes themeducated.
2. The criticism that what students learn today is not adapted topresent-day society is utterly wrong because education can never be seen only interms of how useful the subjects are when students leave school. We ought toevaluate education in terms of how much the students enjoy those subjects andhow much they mean to those students.
3. Instead of being trained to be utilitarian~, students should beencouraged to do things for their own sake, for getting satisfaction out of themrather than for what is achieved at the e12
4. Those with a good command of the knowledge provided in books can adaptthemselves better to their future life than those without.
5. Those who stress only practical skills and techniques and ignore thefunction of books are short sighted.
6. Only by urging students to read more, write more and do more exercisescan education be improved.
7. Being practical, many children leave school and start earning money atan early age. Because of this, quite a large number of children join the ranksof the illiterate in the country.
8. Without the knowledge provided in books, there is no point in talkingabout training qualified personnel and fostering versatile talents.
1. Education is a gradual extension of oneself. It does not only take placein school buildings. It is a life-long experience.
2. Students should be taught how to live and how to get on with oneanother. This is more important than reading and writing.
3. Writing, reading and arithmetic don't really matter. What matters isthat students should learn to understand the world.
4. Students are so overburdened with classwork and homework that many of~them do not enjoy good health.
5. Instead of offering students book-learning only, we should encouragethem to get to know society so that they will be more adaptable to reallife.
6. Many students are spoilt by our present-day educational system. They maybe top students at school, but they are at a loss as to how to deal withpractical matters.
7. Education is but a failure if it only produces people who are unable toput theory into practice.雅思考试评分标准
8. We should put right the tendency of stressing only students' academic~achievement and ignoring their moral and physical education.
9. Students, in their formative years, should have a chance to broadentheir outlook rather than feel compelled to work towards passing an exam.
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