

2016-12-16 14:36


作者:上海新东方 吴頔


Part 1

1. Shoes (本季度热门考题), Do you have a lot of shoes?

2. Teachers(本季度新题), How do you like your teachers?雅思词汇红宝书

3. History(老题翻新,之前在第二部分和第三部分都出现过), What can we learn from the history?

4. Sky(本季度新题), Do you like sky?

5. Friends(本季度热门考题), Do you like making friends?

6. Transport(老题翻新,在第二部分以问交通工具的形式出现), Do you think riding bicycles would be more popular in your country?

7. Patience (本季度新题), Do you think people can do two things simultaneously/at the same time?

8. Park (本季度新题),Are there many parks in your hometown?

Part 2& 3

1. An app in your cell phone which is useful(本季度热门话题):How do you think the modern technology has changed the way they work?

1. An unusual building(季度新题):What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by ship?

2. An ambition you have not achieved yet(本周热门话题)

3. A person who you don’t like but have to be friendly to(人物类热点话题)

4. A film you want to see again(本季度媒体类题目)

5. An experience that you had in a traffic jam(本周新题): Do you think traffic jam is a problem in your city?

6. A surprise you got (本季度题目):Why do people need surprise?

7. An occasion that someone didn’t tell you the truth(本季度新题):Do you think truth is important?


吴頔 获得英语专业八级,澳大利亚NAATI翻译资格证,澳大利亚昆士兰大学中英笔译与口译硕士,在澳洲研究生期间,担任澳洲昆士兰大学孔子学院开幕式活动同传并在文学院担任兼职中文老师;担任华人国庆和昆士兰州布里斯本市庆志愿者。上课生动活泼,诙谐幽默,对国外学习生活有独到见解。





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