2017-01-06 14:43
Impact of Industrialization on the Environment
During the past several hundred years, humans have begun to industrializerapidly. Tons of new technologies with all sorts of capabilities have sprung up.In many cases, these added capabilities have been used to manipulate naturalthings for human benefit, often at the expense of other things. On the otherhand, technological advancement has required that humans come to a betterunderstanding of the world, bringing with it a greater potential to do good, tomanipulate things for the benefit of the planet. Technological advancement hasessentially given us the “can”, and so now the question becomes “should”. Shouldwe do something because we can? Industrialization has increased the effecthumans have on the environment, for good or for bad.
It is hard to argue that industrialization has not brought humans a greaterability to manipulate their environment. The list of things that we are nowcapable of is staggering. Computers, mind-bogglingly sophisticated machines inand of themselves, have enable a world of things to be possibled to helpourselves, or to attempt to help the world? “Why can’t we achieve a betterbalance between people, resources, and the environment? … The complete answersto these questions lie deeply within the complex realms of science, philosophy,religion, economics, and politics.” The answers may be complicated. The truthis, industrialization has changed our relationship to the environment. It hasenabled us to hurt it far more than any other species, but it has also given usthe ability to help. The power of choice now lies with us.雅思官网
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