2017-04-07 17:58
雅思口语话题:Describe something electronic that you use often.
You should say:
What it is
Where you bought it
What you use it for
And explain why you like it
I am going to describe my iPhone. I waited in line outside our local Apple store for hours to buy it. It’s really worth the waiting.
I’ve used many smartphones. My iPhone is definitely the best. It’s thin and light, and the Retina HD display is sharp and clear.雅思成绩有效期
I use it to browse the Web, play music and games, and take pictures. The image quality is so amazing. I have to mention the apps in the app store. There are numerous superb apps ranging from social media to technology, from news to games and from education to entertainment.
And of course, I use it for phone calls and text messages. In addition, I use the maps on my phone to get directions.
I like my iPhone because it’s fun to use and looks great. It’s also handy to carry. It helps me keep in touch with my family and friends.
Wait in line 排队
Retina HD display ‘视网膜’高清显示屏
Browse the Web 上网
Numerous 很多的
Range from… to… 包括从…到…
张叶楠:宁波新东方英联邦项目英语教师,澳洲蒙那什大学Monash University, 市场营销专业毕业。
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