雅思口语:Describe an activity you do to keep fit or healthy_雅思是什么意思
2017-04-17 11:00
雅思口语话题:Describe an activity you do to keep fit or healthy:
You should say:
what the activity is
how often you do this activity
where you do this activity
and explain how this activity helps you keep fit or healthy
Key words:
white-collar 白领的
keep fit 保持(身体)健康雅思是什么意思
Latin 拉丁的
cha-cha-cha 恰恰舞
rumba 伦巴舞
samba 桑巴舞
gym 健身房
benefit 有益于
obvious 明显的
lose weight 减肥
bowel movement 排便
energetic 有活力的
accompany 伴奏,陪伴
spiritual enjoyment 精神享受
superstitious 迷信的
Sample Answer:
As a white-collar worker, I often sit in office, so doing some activities to keep fit is very much necessary. A useful activity that I keep doing is Latin dance. I have learned cha-cha-cha, rumba, samba, etc. So I often invite some of my friends as my partners and we dance in a gym close to my home every weekend. I began to do this activity four years ago and I have benefited from this a lot. The very direct and obvious thing is that I have successfully lost weight. My bowel movement is really regular and I always feel energetic in working and life. More enjoyably, Latin is always accompanied with music, which is a kind of spiritual enjoyment or head trip. So I’m always in good mood every time after dancing. Most importantly, since I kept this habit, I have become more and more confident and a lot of things go very well. Though this is a little bit superstitious, I will continue to do Latin in the following days.
徐扬,宁波新东方英联邦雅思听口教师,主讲雅思听口及Complete IELTS,国际高中生入学考试等课程。
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