2017-09-08 10:29
Describe someone who is a good parent
Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree
Describe something you bought that made you happy雅思成绩保留几年
Describe a class of science you learned in the high school
Describe a traditional product in your country
Describe a leisure facility (cinema theater sports center)would like to have in your home town
Describe a theater you listen to music
Describe a dream home
Describe a historic figure you like
Describe an activity you do to keep fit
Describe an important letter you received
Describe an advertisement you have seen recently
Describe a person from another country
Describe a business leader that you admire
Describe a piece of furniture you like
Describe a car journey you went on
Describe an interesting place that few people know.
Describe an exciting book you have read.
Describe an experience that you taught something.
Describe an interesting person
Describe a shopping mall where you often go.
Describe an occasion you helped someone.
Describe a time that you needed to bring the cell phone.
Describe an achievement that you are proud of.
Describe a good decision made by other people you know.
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