2018-02-07 15:34
Describe a useful thing you borrowed.
You should say:
what you borrowed
who lent it to you and when
what kind of features this thing has
and explain why you think it is useful.
It’s funny you should ask this question as I actually borrowed something very useful just last week, so it’s very fresh in my memory.
I’ve been doing some D.I.Y. in my apartment lately, I’m trying to do it up so that it looks a bit nicer. I wanted to put some new shelves up, but I didn’t have the right equipment, so I asked my friend Jack if I could borrow his electric drill. I had lent him something a few weeks earlier, so he didn’t mind returning the favour.雅思分数
Even though on the surface it is just a drill it is extremely versatile and has more features than you might expect. It comes with a wide range of attachments for drilling different sized holes or into different types of material. There are also attachments that turn it into a screwdriver or a sander, to sand down wood and give it a smooth edge.
I’m so grateful he lent it to me, it would have been hard work to drill by hand and it saved me loads of time and energy. I put the shelves up in no time and with minimal fuss.
I’ve always wanted to buy an electric drill, but have never gotten round to it. When you don’t need something it’s easy to put off buying it, but then you don’t have it when you do need it!
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