
雅思大作文模板:home schooling利弊_雅思学习资料

2018-04-03 11:31



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In some countries, there has been an increase number of parents who educated their children themselves at home instead of sending them to school. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages.


Domestic learning seems to be an increasing popularity these days, and a number of educationalists have different opinions over whether it is of benefits or drawbacks for parents to choose home learning. Personally, based on distinct circumstances, this trend proves to be a double-edged knife.雅思学习资料

On the one hand, there are many advantages of learning at home and high learning efficiency is one of them. Parents are more active to manage to satisfy an individualistic learning pattern of their children, for example, by observing the academic performance, learning habits and attitudes towards different subjects. However, this cannot be achieved in large-scaled class teaching. To be more specific, common students at school have limited choices to learn what they are enthusiastic about in comparison to those who are allowed to have home study, they are given the advantage to develop various potentials in study such as talent in arts or in science. Less pressure is considered to be another ameliorative point in this respect. For those who are vulnerable inside, learning subjects at home are thought to be a good way to avoid peer pressure. While at educational institutions, learning motivation is likely to be inhibited by self-consciousness, thus hindering knowledge acquisition.

On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages that cannot be ignored. Firstly, apart from theoretical knowledge, other developments including those regarding social skills and physical growth are the big worries. Since adolescents are exposed to a comparatively closed learning environment, it is of little chance for teamwork and PE programs. There is also teaching quality to be considered as well,parents who have not been trained professionally usually could not provide systematic teaching outlook and learning difficulties cannot be addressed strategically in most cases, this may lead to a demotivation of young learners.

To conclude, every coin has two sides, and this is the same case with domestic learning. What adults need to remember is to find appropriate solutions to combat the problems identified above.

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