2019-09-16 15:50
A New Jersey black bear that walks upright on its 2 back legs and has become a social media darling has reemerged and has been captured on video month after its last sighting. The bear named Pedals was spotted in a town of Oakrage, in a video posted to Facebook featuring the bear it appear to be inrelatively good health and was moving quickly. “Pedals apparently hasn’t injured leg or pool that doesn’t allow it to walk comfortably on all fulls.” according to experts. Laurance sportsman of the state for the state department environmental protection said, “Officials expect the bear to make it through next winter. The bear first gained fame after was sported the wondering around neighborhoods and was caught on videos that were posted on social media and showed on national television. Last year, supporters pushed for Pedals to be moved to a shelter. But New Jersey officials have said they won’t allowed the bear to be captured and transferred to the facility. The bear would do better in its natural habitat on the agency would step in if its condition deteriorated they said.
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