

2019-10-31 16:47



雅思口语近期新题中的jeans 话题算是比较简单好答的题目,能引起同学们的共鸣,相对于比较陌生的perfume和抽象的fake smile,很多同学都能对牛仔裤的话题说上几句。 但是想要扩展出高分答案,还是要注意内容的细节度和语言的“接地气”感。比如大家都会想说“牛仔裤我有很多呀,各种款式的,比如喇叭裤,紧身裤…” 然后思维就死死的卡在了 “喇叭裤” 这个词怎么说上。或者问到喜欢jeans的原因时也只能说几句穿着方便或者舒服的套话。如果答案的语言不能详尽,对于雅思考官来说也只能是5.5或者更低的印象,所以大家一定要注意准备答案时要尽量有逻辑及衔接的扩展。


1. Do you wear jeans?

That’s a sure thing. Jeans are my favorite style of clothes, which fit me for almost all occasions. I got tons of jeans back at home, like flares, skinny jeans or even mom jeans, and they come with various colors. Also the other thing I favor jeans is that they are so easy and comfortable to wear.

Flares : trousers/ pants that become very wide at the bottom of the legs

ie: a pair of flares

Tons (plural) : (informal) a lot

ie: Theyʼve got tons of money.

ie: Iʼve still got tons to do.

2. How often do you wear jeans?

Well, I could say almost every day even in the summer. Their soft texture makes me easy to stretch my legs and also protects me better than skirts from the freezing AC in my school. As the casual nature they have, jeans can be suited with many tops, say tee shirts, jackets, blazers and other things you can name it. So I try to wear them as much as possible.

Texture: the way a surface, substance or piece of cloth feels when you touch it, for example how rough, smooth, hard or soft it is

ie: the soft texture of velvet

3. Do you like wearing jeans, why?

Yes, definitely. I am that kind of person who would dress for comfort rather than elegance. At this point, jeans are the best. Not only for the soft texture, also for the millions of the different colors and styles to choose from which makes them the top option for styling.雅思听力807词汇

Rather than : instead of somebody/ something

ie: I think Iʼll have a cold drink rather than coffee.

ie: Why didnʼt you ask for help, rather than trying to do it on your own?

4. Why do you think jeans are popular?

Well, for teenagers who are mostly outdoor people, jeans can provide extra comfort when they run, jump or do some “strange” pose. As for adults, if there is no dress code in the work place, then jeans are the easiest thing to match with which you don’t have to worry it could go wrong.

很多同学在自己准备答案的时候都会想从复杂的句式和单词方面争取高分,但在口语四项评分标准中对于词汇量的要求其实在于common usage,也就是说用的对和准才是高分的标准。对于句式来说,如果从句不能保证语法的准确无误的话,最好还是踏踏实实的使用简单句来描述。如果觉得都只是主谓宾结构单一,可以尝试被动语态或者there be 句式或者it is + 形容词的方式。 最后,不管答案准备的再怎么“精美” 还是要多动嘴练习,保证流利度和发音的准确性才能争取四项的评分标准都达标。












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